Smartcell Wireless Survey/Demo Kit - (FRE/B)
'Buyer' means the person, firm, company, corporation, public authority or body to whom the Products and/or Services (as defined below), are sold or provided.
‘Data Privacy Laws’ means applicable laws and regulations relating to Personal Information protection of any country, state, or municipality with jurisdiction to regulate the activity covered by the ageements between Seller and Buyer.
‘Personal Information’ means information and data exchanged in connection with the ageements between Seller and Buyer that is related to any identified or identifiable natural person or, to the extent of a conflict with applicable law, which is subject to any of the Data Privacy Laws.
‘Products’ means any goods ordered by Buyer and provided by Seller pursuant to a confirmed purchase order, as further described in Seller's order confirmation or packing slip when applicable. ‘Seller’ means Carrier Fire & Security BV, a limited liability company organized and existing under the laws of The Netherlands with its office located at Kelvinstraat 7 6003 DH Weert, registered in Weert, with VAT No. NL 801757447B01 and company number 13033009 or any affiliated company thereof. Seller may act on behalf of any other Seller’s affiliates. If this is the case, such other affiliate shall be mentioned on the order confirmation or invoice, and any reference below to ‘Seller’ shall refer to such other Seller’s affiliate.
‘Services’ means any services provided by Seller to Buyer as stated in Seller's order confirmation, including without limitation Product development, Product training and Product maintenance services.
‘Software’ means a machine-readable, object code form only, computer program or compilation of data that is fixed in any tangible medium of expression, or any storage medium from which the program may be perceived, reproduced or otherwise communicated, with the aid of a machine or device, and shall include without limitation any of Seller’s proprietary operating software, provided for the ordinary operation of the Products, any optional software to enhance the operation of the Product, as well as any upgrades or revisions of this material Seller provides in fulfilment of a specific written commitment or otherwise.
‘User Documentation’ means any documentation relating to the Software.
This document defines the general terms and conditions (“Terms”) applicable to the provision of Products and Services by Seller.
The Terms are applicable to all offers, order confirmations, supply and deliveries of any Products and/or Services by Seller to Buyer. The Terms set out the full extent of Seller’s obligations and liabilities. Other than as expressly provided in these Terms, all warranties, conditions, representations made by Seller, and all other terms, in each case whether express or implied by law, are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.
Failure or delay by Seller to enforce any provision of these terms will not be deemed to be a waiver of any of Seller’s rights under these Terms.
Each provision of these Terms is separate and independent. If any provision or part of a provision is found by a court that has appropriate jurisdiction to be illegal, void or otherwise unenforceable, it shall to that extent be deemed not to form part of these Terms but the remainder of that provision and all of the other terms shall not be affected.
Buyer’s placing of a purchase order and Seller’s subsequent confirmation of such purchase order constitutes an agreement pursuant to these Terms. Putting into operation of the Products, Software and/or Services by Buyer upon having received due notice of these Terms (via whatever form of written communication or via online availability prior to sale) shall serve as confirmation of the full acceptance thereof.
Notwithstanding any inconsistent or additional terms that may be embodied in the Buyer’s purchase order, general terms and conditions or other Buyer’s document, Seller confirms Buyer’s order on the express condition that Buyer agrees to the terms and conditions set forth hereafter as the only terms governing Buyer’s order.
The Seller reserves the right at all times to supply alternative/interchangeable and equivalent Products or Services in case of the unavailability of ordered Products or Services subject to the same terms and conditions as confirmed in its order confirmation.
Seller is entirely free and independent in performing the agreement. Nothing in this agreement shall be construed as a creation of a partnership, joint venture, agency or otherwise between the Parties. Seller shall be entitled to freely assign the agreement and/or subcontract any level of performance under these Terms to any of its affiliates, CARRIER group of companies or third party.
Nothing herein shall be deemed to create an obligation on the part of Seller to provide any support, upgrades or revisions to any Software other than pursuant to a separate written obligation to do so.
Buyer is granted a perpetual non-exclusive license to use the Software and related user documentation delivered by Seller, whether as part of any Product or separately. Buyer is not granted a license to use any other Software or documentation. This limited non-exclusive license allows Buyer to: 1) use the Software and user documentation for its internal business purposes and only on the products on which it is installed at the time of delivery or, if the Software is supplied separately, in connection with Products supplied by Seller and 2) make one copy of the Software in machine-readable form solely for backup purposes, provided that Buyer must reproduce on any such copy the copyright notice and any other proprietary legends that were on the original copy.
Buyer must obtain a supplementary license from Seller (which Seller may or may not grant in its sole discretion) before using the Software in connection with any other equipment or for any other purpose. Buyer shall have no other rights under this limited non-exclusive license. Buyer may not distribute copies of the Software or User Documentation to others or electronically transfer the Software from one computer to another over a network.
The Software contains know-how of Seller. In order to protect such know-how, Buyer may not decompile, reverse engineer, disassemble, or otherwise reduce the Software to a human perceivable form If Buyer wishes to obtain interoperability information as meant in the European Software Directive EC/2009/24, Buyer shall grant Seller a reasonable opportunity to provide such interoperability information on reasonable terms to be determined by Seller. Buyer may not, nor shall permit any third party to, modify, adapt, translate, rent, lease, loan, resell for profit or other purpose, distribute, network, or create derivative works based upon the Software or any part thereof. All Software and user documentation is protected by the copyright laws, works of authorship, and US and European patents and by applicable international treaties. No license under such rights is transferred to Buyer, except as specifically provided above.
All Software provided by Seller remains Seller’s property. If and to the extent that Seller should provide Buyer with third party soft- and/or hardware, the general software terms and conditions of that third party will apply in full and will be an integral part of these Terms to the extent that Seller has informed Buyer of such third party terms and conditions. As such, acceptance of the present Terms shall include acceptance of the terms and conditions of that third party.
With regard to Software, whether included in a product furnished or separately, Seller warrants that such Software will, at the time of delivery, conform substantially to Seller’s User Documentation, when operated properly and in the manner specified in the User Documentation.
Seller will present reasonable efforts to fix possible errors which occurred in the Software within 3 months after delivery (or if the Parties have agreed on an acceptance test: within 3 months after acceptation) within a reasonable period of time, be it under the condition that Seller has been given a detailed and written report which describes the errors. Seller will fix these errors for free unless the Software is not developed at a fixed price, in which case Seller will charge its standard rates. Seller can also charge its standard rates if the errors result from misuse or improper use by Buyer or if the cause of the error cannot be attributed to Seller or if the errors could have been discovered while executing the agreed acceptation test. The obligation to fix errors expires if Buyer makes changes or entrusts others to make changes to the Software without written consent of the Seller.
This limited warranty is given only to the original purchaser and does not extend to any subsequent purchaser or transferee of Seller’s Products, Software and/or (development) Services. The original purchaser is not entitled to extend or transfer this warranty to any other party. To the fullest extent permissible by law, this warranty is in lieu of all other warranties, conditions, representations or other terms, whether written or oral, including any warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
Seller will make every reasonable commercial effort to deliver Products, Services and/or Software on the agreed delivery date.
Any delivery dates Seller quotes or which are set out in Seller’s order confirmation or acceptance, are estimates only and are not legally binding. Seller cannot guarantee the delivery of a Product, Software and/or (development) Services on a specific date unless otherwise and explicitly agreed in writing. Delivery may be made in instalments. Delivery time may be extended if and for so long as the Buyer is delayed in the performance of any obligation to Seller.
The Products will be delivered by Seller to the place provided in the order confirmation. The risk is transferred to Buyer when the product is handed to the (first) carrier, pursuant to Incoterms 2020- Carriage Paid To (“CPT”).
The Products and Services shall be developed and/or delivered by Seller 'as is', this means that the Buyer accepts the Products and Services in the condition as it is at the time of delivery, with all visible and invisible faults and defects.
Products and Services prices are exclusive of VAT and in EURO, determined by the confirmation sent by Seller and unless otherwise stated.
Payment will be due within 30 days of receipt of the invoice in the manner set out in this clause, unless otherwise agreed.
If Buyer is to arrange export shipment for Products, upon request by Seller, Buyer agrees to provide free of charge to Seller, evidence of exportation or other evidence of (full) tax or duty exemption acceptable to the relevant taxing or custom authorities, failing which, the amount of any taxes or duties payable by Seller in connection with the sale of Product(s) shall be promptly paid by Buyer to Seller upon submission of Seller's invoice.
Buyer shall not be entitled to make any deduction from payments due to Seller on account of any alleged set-off or counterclaim. Seller has at all times the right to claim full or partial advance payment and/or otherwise claim security for payment, in case of doubts that arise regarding the solvency of the Buyer, including but not limited to bankruptcy actions against the Buyer, late payments of invoices or any other similar demonstrable event. Should Buyer fail to pay Seller in a timely manner, Buyer agrees to reimburse Seller for Seller’s costs of collecting the amounts due and to pay Seller interest on any late payment at a rate equal to the article 6:119a Dutch Civil Code, until actual payment is made. By the mere fact of non-payment or late payment Buyer is in default without notice. Seller may, after a 5-day period, suspend or cancel delivery of any order, service or instalment in the event that Buyer exceeds its credit limit with the Seller and/or has any outstanding overdue payments.
Products and Services sold by Seller to Buyer conform to the specifications as set forth in the applicable manual(s) (the “Limited Warranty”) and purchase order All Products warranty related terms are set forth in Seller’s Return and Warranty Policy, which constitutes an integral part of these Terms and is available on page RMA Policy.
Buyer may not, without the prior written consent of Seller, cancel an order, unless with a prior written consent of the Seller. Should Seller consent to cancel an order, such cancellation may be subject to cancellation charges to be determined at Seller's sole discretion.
The quantity recorded on Seller's packing slip and/or Seller’s order confirmation shall be deemed accepted by both Parties as correct, unless objected to in writing by Buyer within five working days from delivery.
Buyer will inspect all Products and Services Buyer receives for damage, defect or shortage promptly after Buyer receives them, and will give Seller written notice within five working days from delivery of any non-conformity, damage, defect or shortage that Buyer finds or would reasonably be expected to find. Failure to provide such notice to Seller within five working days from delivery shall be deemed as an irrevocable acceptance of Products and Services.
Buyer must give Seller written notice of any defect within the Limited Warranty period. If any Products or Services do not conform with the Limited Warranty or are otherwise defective, Seller may at its option, either repair the Products, replace the Products with same or compatible new or repaired Products, perform new Services or refund the purchase price. This is Buyer’s exclusive remedy for breach of Limited Warranty.
Seller shall retain title to the Products invoiced to Buyer until (i) Seller has received full payment for all Products and Services and (ii) Seller has received payment of all other sums which are, or which become due to Seller from Buyer on any account. Until such time as title in the Products passes to Buyer, if Buyer re-sells the Products, or any goods manufactured out of Products sold by Seller, Buyer assigns to Seller all proceeds from their sale up to the amounts owing to the Seller and Buyer shall hold such amounts separately on trust for Seller. For the avoidance of doubt, Intellectual Property Rights in Products and Services shall not be transferred to Buyer and Seller retains title therein.
Seller does not warrant that the Products or Services made available to the Buyer will be suitable for the actual and/or intended use by the Buyer. Seller does also not warrant that the Product will operate without interruption, errors or defects or that all the errors and defects will be corrected. Seller will not be responsible for labor costs of removal or reinstallation of Products. Any Product that is repaired or replaced shall be warranted under the terms of the Limited Warranty for either (i) the remaining term of the warranty for the original Product or (ii) for 90 days, whichever is longer. Seller will not be responsible for any harm arising out of Buyer’s purchase, possession or use of any Products and Services supplied by Seller,
Buyer shall pass on the foregoing information on Product risks, Warnings and Disclaimers to its customers and end users.
Any advice or information given in relation to the proper usage, installation and/or commissioning of the Products in the context of the sale thereof or as part of training, maintenance or other support services related thereto (“Information”) is given on an “as is” basis. No warranty or representation is given by Seller as to the suitability for the actual and/or intended use by the Buyer of any Information thus given. To the fullest extent permitted by applicable laws, Seller disclaims any and all liability with regard to the Information. For more information on warranty disclaimers and product safety information, please check Product Warnings.
Seller may offer Products and/or Services for sale using the Internet, e-mail or other computer-based electronic communications methods. All sales of Products and/or Services made using any such method will be governed by these Terms, the terms of the governing sales agreement, and by any additional terms set out or referenced in Seller’s Internet site or electronic communications.
In the event of any conflict between any provisions in the governing sales agreement or such additional terms and these terms and conditions, the provisions in the governing sales agreement or such additional terms shall prevail. Buyer is solely responsible for ensuring the security and integrity of its ordering process. Any information provided by Seller via any Internet site or electronic communication (i) is subject to correction or change without notice, and (ii) is provided for the sole use of Buyer for purposes of facilitating individual transactions involving the purchase and sale of Seller’s Products and/or Services. Buyer agrees that it shall not rely upon any such information for any purpose other than making individual purchases and shall not seek to assert such information against Seller for any other purpose.
Buyer specifically agrees that Seller may issue electronic order acceptances or confirmations and electronic invoices for any purchases of Products and/or Services made using the Internet, e-mail or any other computer-based electronic communications method, and agrees to honor such order acceptances or confirmations and invoices as if they had been delivered in writing.
Seller will not in any circumstance be liable for any loss or damage whatsoever due to delay in delivery (including pursuant to instalments) however occasioned unless the same was attributable to Seller's gross negligence or willful misconduct.
Seller will not be liable for any indirect and/or consequential damages, including, but not limited to, loss of profits, income and revenue, financial or commercial losses, the increase in general costs, disturbance of the planning, loss of anticipated profits, loss of capital, loss of customers, lost opportunities, loss of data, loss of benefits, damage to and loss of files, cost of any substitute for the Products Buyer bought, claims of third parties, death or injury to person or property.
Seller shall not be liable for any damage, injury, contamination or loss resulting in connection with breach by Buyer of its obligations under article 20 and Buyer shall indemnify and hold Seller, its employees, suppliers and subcontractors harmless against all claims, costs, loss or damages in connection with such breach.
In any event the maximum extent of overall Seller’s liability howsoever arising, shall never exceed the net purchase price of the Products and Services in respect to which the claim is made, which Buyer actually paid to Seller. In the event of Services performed over a period exceeding 12 months, Seller’s aggregate liability at any time shall be limited to the amount invoiced for such Services over the last 12 months.
Nothing in these Terms is intended or shall be construed as excluding or limiting Seller’s liability for (i) damage ensuing from gross negligence or wilful misconduct by Seller (not including employees, subcontractors or agents) or its executive management; or (ii) any other liability that cannot be excluded or limited under applicable law.
Buyer shall give a prompt written notice to Seller in the event that any of the Products is found or is suspected to: (i) violate applicable laws, specifications, industry standards or standards promulgated by a governmental agency (“Standards”), (ii) such Products fail or are alleged to have failed to comply with any product safety requirement Standards, (iii) such Products could create a risk of injury or damage to any individuals. Buyer shall give such written notice to Seller promptly upon becoming aware of any such facts and in no case later than 5 working days thereafter.
Seller shall be responsible for initiating and implementing all required Products recalls and for any and all voluntary Products corrections or withdrawals and shall have control of the manner in which any such recall, corrections or withdrawals shall be conducted to the extent Buyer has promptly notified Seller of any such alleged failures and violations.
Buyer agrees to fully cooperate with and to assist Seller in conducting all activities necessary for a required Products recall, withdrawal, corrective actions, notifications to all recipients, end users, governmental agencies and other instances according to applicable regulations and laws.
Buyer is responsible for the design, configuration, integration, testing and labelling of any system of its own making for which Buyer would use Products bought from Seller. Buyer will not rely on anything on Seller’s web site or any statement by Seller about the suitability of Products and Services for a particular purpose.
Buyer is responsible for testing and investigating Products and Services sold by Seller enough to form an independent judgment concerning their suitability for the use, conversion or processing intended by Buyer.
Seller is not responsible for conditions or applications over which Seller has no control. Defects or problems as a result of such conditions or applications are not the responsibility of Seller. Such conditions include normal wear and tear, catastrophe, fault or negligence of the user or a party other than Seller, improper installation, application, storage, maintenance or use of the products, or other causes external to Products, or failure to conform to any applicable recommendations of Seller.
Seller is entitled to invoke force majeure under the conditions defined in these Terms; if the implementation of the agreement is, in whole or in part, temporarily or not, prevented or impeded by circumstances reasonably out of its control, including extreme weather conditions including but not limited to flooding, prolonged frost, fires and storms, any other natural catastrophe, warfare and acts of war, fire, civil unrest, riots, government commission, actions by military, law enforcement or civil authorities, site or building blockades, transport interruptions, strikes and labor conflicts (including Seller’s employees embargoes, power blackouts, explosions, cable cuts, specific work interruptions or work-to-rule slowdowns and lockout, machine breakdown or delay in the provision to Seller of parts, good or services ordered from third parties.
In the event of force majeure on the part of Seller, Seller shall not be liable and its obligations are suspended. If the force majeure lasts longer than 60 days, both Seller and Buyer are authorized to rescind the agreement by a written declaration.
If notified promptly in writing by Buyer and given authority, information and assistance at the Buyer’s expense and contingent upon Buyer not taking any position adverse to Seller in any way whatsoever, Seller shall indemnify the Buyer in relation to or may settle at its expense, any suit or proceeding against Buyer so far as based on a valid claim for infringement related to any intellectual right on the Products and Services furnished hereunder which would result in damages and costs awarded therein against Buyer due to such infringement, provided that Seller has sole control of the proceedings. In case any Products and Services or part thereof is in such suit held to constitute such an infringement and the use for the purpose intended of said Products and Services or part is enjoined, Seller shall, at its expense and option, either procure for Buyer the right to continue using said Products and Services or part, or replace same with a non-infringing Products and Services or part, or modify same so it becomes non-infringing, or remove the Products and Services and refund to Buyer the purchase price (less reasonable depreciation for any period of use) and any transportation costs separately paid by Buyer.
The foregoing states the entire liability of Seller for intellectual property infringement by the Products and Services or any part thereof and is subject to Buyer promptly informing Seller of any claim and allowing Seller full conduct of the claim.
This does not apply to infringements attributable to changes made to the Products, Software and/or services by persons other than Seller, any Products and Services or part specified by Buyer or manufactured to Buyer’s design, or to the use of any Products and Services furnished hereunder in conjunction with any other Products and Services in a combination not furnished by Seller as a part of this transaction, or in case of use of any Products and Services furnished hereunder that is in breach of these Terms. As to any such Products and Services or part, or use in such combination, Seller assumes no liability whatsoever for intellectual property infringement and Buyer will hold Seller harmless against any infringement claims arising therefrom.
If Buyer does not fulfil one or more of its obligations in these Terms, does not fulfil them timely or adequately, is declared bankrupt, requests (temporary) moratorium, is insolvent or is unable to pay its debts, or takes any steps or any other person takes such steps towards the liquidation of Buyer’s business, or if Buyer undergoes any event that is analogous to any of the aforementioned in any jurisdiction, Seller has the right to suspend the implementation of the agreement or to rescind the agreement in whole or in part, without prior notice or default, by written declaration, at its option and always reserving any rights to which it is entitled with respect to amounts due to Seller, compensation for costs, damage and interest. In these cases all of Seller’s claims on Buyer are immediately and totally due. Buyer is authorized to rescind the agreement only in the events referred to in these Terms, and then only after payment to Seller of all amounts owed to Seller at that time, whether due or not.
Seller shall have the right to access any premises where the Products and Services are stored to inspect or recover such Products, Software and/or developments if Buyer is in breach of any of these Terms.
The Parties acknowledge and agree that in the execution and the administration of the agreements between Seller and Buyer, personal information of either Party will be collected and processed, as independent data controllers, for invoicing and contract execution and management purposes, and comply with any and all Data Privacy Laws. Where a Party provides the other Party with any personal information for such purpose, it will ensure that it has the legal right to do so, including obtaining consent and providing notice to the individuals whose personal information it has provided to the other, if needed. The Parties shall neither sell, nor exchange for anything of value, personal information processed in the course of the performance of the agreements between Seller and Buyer and thereafter.
The Seller may share personal information with Seller’s service providers and Seller may store personal information on servers located and accessible globally by Carrier entities and their service providers but only in accordance with applicable data privacy laws and with appropriate protections in place. Data privacy is important to Carrier. For more information, consult our General Privacy Notice (
The use of some Carrier products and services may require specific data processing for e.g. user authentication. Depending on the product and services at stake, a specific Privacy Policy and Terms of Use may need to be accepted by the end-user.
This data privacy clause will survive the termination of the agreements between Seller and Buyer.
The Parties could gain access to each other’s confidential information. Confidential information is limited to information, which is clearly marked as confidential or marked otherwise to indicate the confidential nature thereof. Confidential information shall not include information which (i) is part or shall be part of the public domain without the intervention of the receiving Party; (ii) at the time of its release was already lawfully obtained by the receiving Party and that was not direct or indirect obtained from the Party who released the information; or (iii) was obtained in a lawful manner by the receiving Party from a third party without the release of this information being subject to restrictions; (iv)was developed independently by the receiving Party; or (v) is legally released.
The Parties agree to treat each other’s confidential information as such for the duration of the commercial relationship, as well as for the period of 5 years after the termination of the commercial relationship or after the execution of the latest purchase order. Without the prior written consent of Seller, Buyer will not make public or authorize to make public any aspect of its relationship with Seller, nor use any of Seller’s trade names or trade marks or any other intellectual property right of Seller on its own website, commercial publications or otherwise, nor publicly advertise Seller’s Products or Services in a manner that suggests that Buyer is authorized to represent Seller.
Seller is firmly committed to avoid any involvement with money laundering, to comply fully with all applicable anti money laundering, currency reporting and record keeping requirements and to take affirmative steps to prevent, detect and report to appropriate authorities suspected violations.
Seller will give Buyer, if possible, approval certifications on request and Buyer will provide these to all those required by law to receive them. Buyer agrees to dispose of Products and Services and/or disposable packaging as required by any applicable disposal or recycling laws.
Sales and distribution of commodities, materials, hardware, software, services, and technology the Buyer receives from the Seller pursuant to the agreements between Seller and Buyer (the “Product”) may constitute an export, reexport, or transfer, and such transactions must be conducted in accordance with the export control, trade, and economic sanctions laws and regulations of the government authorities with jurisdiction over such activities, including the European Union and its Member States, the United States, and the United Kingdom (collectively, “Trade Control Laws”).
The Buyer will conduct all activities under this Agreement in compliance with Trade Control Laws.
The Buyer will not sell, supply, export, reexport, or transfer Products directly or indirectly to: 1. Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Russia, Syria, or the Crimea, Donetsk, Kherson, Luhansk, or Zaporizhzhia regions of Ukraine or any other region that becomes restricted (each a “Restricted Country”); 2. to an individual or entity that is (i) an individual or entity designated on the U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control’s (“OFAC”) Specially Designated Nationals (“SDNs”) and Blocked Persons List, the U.S. Department of Commerce’s Bureau of Industry and Security’s Entity List, the European Union’s Consolidated List of Sanctions, as well as those of applicable Member States, and the UK Consolidated List; (ii) the Government of a Restricted Country, Venezuela, or Afghanistan, (iii) a person ordinarily resident in, or an entity registered under the laws of, a Restricted Country, (iv) an entity owned or controlled by a party in (i)-(iii), or (v) a person acting on behalf of, or for the benefit of, a party in (i)-(iv) (Parties in subparagraph 2(i)-(v) collectively, a “Denied Party”); 3. for an unauthorized end-use; or 4. in violation of Trade Control Laws.
The Buyer shall conduct reasonable diligence to verify its customers’ or end-users’ identity and location and confirm the Products’ intended end-use (collectively, “End-User Diligence”). Buyer’s End-User Diligence must be sufficient to identify and prevent unauthorized transactions, including those involving Restricted Countries and Denied Parties. The Buyer shall promptly notify the Seller of any transactions involving Restricted Countries and Denied Parties, or other violations of Trade Control Laws with respect to Products or related services.
Notwithstanding any other provision of any agreements between Seller and Buyer, the Seller will not provide warranty, repair, replacement, or guarantee services for Products in Restricted Countries, to Denied Parties, or otherwise in violation of Trade Control Laws. If the Buyer extends to its clients any warranty that is broader in scope than the limited warranty provided by the Seller, the Buyer shall be solely responsible for all costs, expenses, liabilities, obligations, and damages resulting from the extension of such warranty.
Upon request, the Buyer shall promptly provide the Seller with information about Seller’s export of Products, including, without limitation, description, volume, value, the Buyer and/or end-user, transaction dates, and service details.
The Buyer represents and warrants that neither it nor its respective directors, officers, employees, or affiliates is a Denied Party or is located, organized, or resident in a Restricted Country.
The Seller can terminate any agreement between Seller and Buyer effective immediately upon any of the following: 1. The Buyer becomes a Denied Party; 2. The Buyer violates Trade Controls with respect to any of the activities subject to this Agreement; or 3. The Seller reasonably determines that its Trade Control Laws compliance obligations prohibit the Seller’s performance (each a “Trade Controls Event”). Termination under this clause shall be deemed a termination for just cause, relieving the Seller of any obligation to make further sales or provide further services (including warranty, repair, replacement, or guarantee services) under any agreement between Seller and Buyer, or to deliver any Products to the Buyer.
The Buyer shall hold the Seller harmless against all liabilities, and, to the extent permitted by Trade Control Laws, indemnify the Seller for all costs, expenses, damages, and losses incurred by the Seller arising from a Trade Controls Event. In no event shall the Seller be liable for any special, incidental, exemplary, or consequential damages, including but not limited to, lost profits, fines, or penalties imposed on the Buyer by relevant governmental authorities, arising in connection with Seller’s performance under any agreements between Seller and Buyer, including but not limited to delays, fees, or limitations imposed in connection with Trade Control Laws.
Buyer hereby acknowledges having read and understood the Carrier’s Code of Ethics on: Code of Ethics (
Buyer undertakes to comply with these and comply with any amendment and any other or new integrity policy or CARRIER Code of Ethics in the performance of its obligations hereunder as well as in its relations with any third parties or under any agreement.
Products and Services sold hereunder are not intended for application (and shall not be used) in connection with the use or handling of nuclear material or the construction or operation of a nuclear installation. Buyer warrants that it shall not use such Products or Services for such purposes, or permit others to use such Products or services for such purposes, unless such use is agreed to in writing by a representative of Seller specifically authorized to enter into such agreement. If, in breach of the foregoing, any such use occurs, Seller disclaims all liability for any nuclear or other damage, injury or contamination, and Buyer shall indemnify Seller against any such liability. In no event shall Seller be liable for any such damages occurred as a result of Buyer’s breach of the foregoing provisions.
In the event that Seller has authorized the sale, installation or use of Products or Services for nuclear use, neither Seller, nor its subcontractors, suppliers or employees will be liable for any loss of, damage to, or loss of use of any property, including Buyer’s or end user’s property, or for any such loss, damage, loss of use, injury or illness which arises out of or results from a nuclear incident or a precautionary evacuation in anticipation of such incident (whether or not such incident occurs), or for damages caused by reason of unavailability of plant, plant outage, plant shutdowns or service interruptions, loss of use of equipment or power systems, loss of profits or revenues, cost of purchased or replacement power, cost of capital, claims of customers of Buyer or from any nuclear risk or hazard. Buyer waives and will require its insurers to waive all rights of recovery against Seller and its subcontractors, suppliers and employees on account of such loss, damage, loss of use, injury or illness. Buyer shall be responsible for, and shall indemnity and hold harmless Seller and its subcontractors, suppliers and employees (including with respect to attorney’s fees, investigative costs, and other defense expenses) from all claims by any third party resulting from any cause including the negligence of Seller, its subcontractors, suppliers and employees and which arise out of any nuclear incident, precautionary evacuation in anticipation thereof, or any on-site property damage at the end use location.
Buyer shall not use the trademark(s), trade name(s), logo’s or other intellectual property rights of the Seller in any way without prior written consent of the Seller.
Publicity: Buyer shall not issue any communication (public reference, press release or announcement) in relation to Seller or any of its affiliates without the prior written approval of the Seller.
Notwithstanding having obtained prior written consent as per above, the Buyer shall in any event ensure that all use of the Seller’s trademark(s), trade name(s), logo’s or other intellectual property rights, including but not limited to any and all promotional or other Product related material, shall comply with Seller’s trademark guidelines for authorized third parties as made available to Buyer on Seller’s Sales Partner Portal as amended from time to time.
Buyer hereby agrees that he shall not, at any time, make, directly or indirectly, any oral or written statements that defame the Seller, the Products and Services it offers or any of its affiliates, successors and assigns, any of its present or former officers, directors, agents or employees.
These Terms shall be governed by the law of the Netherlands. The court of Amsterdam, the Netherlands, shall have exclusive jurisdiction in connection with any matter arising out of or in connection with these terms. The United Nations Convention on the International Sale of Goods will not apply.